When to Use Purchase Return Orders and Credit Memos in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

When should you use a Purchase Return Order or Credit Memo in Microsoft Dynamics NAV? It can be confusing;
• Both end up creating a credit memo,
• Both subtract inventory from stock and create an item ledger entry,
• Both allow you to set the “Applies To Item Entry,” and
• Both allow you to use the “Get Posted Documents to Reverse”

Bron : ArcherPoint
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Function Return Value Types

Programmers skilled in other languages may have some difficulty understanding why C/SIDE doesn’t allow all of its data types to be used as function return value types. I guess it is a limitation that you and I have learnt to work around, or even use to our advantage.

Bron : Zen & the Art of C/SIDE Development
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Tip #23 – The ‘Return’ Shortcut

Today I spent some time at a customer creating a new role center for Dynamics NAV CRM users.

One of the challenges we had was to create a My To-Do list on the Role Center that was based on the actual table. All went well until we started to test and compare to My Customers.

We could not get the double click on the lines to open the To-Do card.

Bron : Mark Brummel – Microsoft Dynamics NAV Blog
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PPV is not reversed when issuing a Purchase Return Credit Memo in Dynamics NAV

I received a question the other day from a client who said that they received a ‘Standard Cost’ item, and when invoiced, it created Purchase Price Variance. The item was later returned and a Purchase Credit Memo was issued and posted, but the PPV was not reversed.

Bron : ArcherPoint
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PPV is not reversed when issuing a Purchase Return Credit Memo in Dynamics NAV

I received a question the other day from a client who said that they received a ‘Standard Cost’ item, and when invoiced, it created Purchase Price Variance. The item was later returned and a Purchase Credit Memo was issued and posted, but the PPV was not reversed.

Bron : ArcherPoint
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