How to Transfer Attachments from Blanket Orders to Sales Orders in Business Central

When working with Dynamics 365 Business Central, one common challenge is ensuring that important attachments from Blanket Orders are carried over to Sales Orders. Natively, Business Central does not support this functionality, which can lead to inefficiencies and potential information loss. After experimenting with various approaches, I discovered a straightforward and effective solution.

Source : Ivan Singleton
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Optimizing Sales Order Reservations in Business Central: Focusing on Item Ledger Entries

When working with Dynamics 365 Business Central, ensuring efficient and accurate reservations of sales order lines can sometimes be a challenge. I faced this issue myself when I needed a way to reserve items only from available inventory, without pulling from other sources like purchase orders or transfers. After digging through various internal codes and trying multiple approaches, I found a straightforward and effective solution.

Source : Ivan Singleton
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How to attach from a zip file to a Sales Order in Business Central

Hello, I want to share a little code that allows you to import multiple files in a .zip and attach them to a “Sales Order“.

This process could easily be adjusted to any Business Central list that can upload attachments. (In case the list page doesn’t have them, you would have to first create a little customization before using this code).

If we go to the page code “page 1174 “Document Attachment Factbox” we can check which master tables we could attach files to.

Source : Ivan Singleton
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