How Do I: Design Wizards for HTML Clients in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017?

In this video you will see how to develop a wizard page for html clients.

In this example, we will keep things simple. Let’s imagine that a user wants to send a Sales Quote. For that Sales Quote document to be useful, it must contain their company name and Email address. Let’s create a wizard to guide a user through specifying their company name and Email address, using 5 steps.

Bron : Think about IT
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Design Pattern: Security – Data Encryption

After applying Sensitive Data Encapsulation, all sensitive data is gathered in a known place in the database. This makes it possible to apply further protection best practices. Problem: If any non-authorized actor manages to get access to a copy of the database, the sensitive data is immediately available in clear-text.

Bron : Dynamics NAV Team Blog
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Design Pattern: Security – SSL in Dynamics NAV

The security of data transmission is just as important as the security of data storage. When data is transmitted over the web, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is available to be used with the web client in Dynamics NAV. Microsoft’s NAV cloud solution has SSL enabled by default.

Bron : Dynamics NAV Team Blog
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