Quick tip: Use GitHub Copilot & chat in VSCode with AL

To assist you when developing AL objects in VSCode, there are two very interesting extensions I can recommend:

GitHub Copilot provides autocomplete-style suggestions from an AI pair programmer as you code. You can receive suggestions from GitHub Copilot either by starting to write the code you want to use, or by writing a natural language comment describing what you want the code to do.

GitHub Copilot Chat is a companion extension to GitHub Copilot that houses preview Chat features.

Source : Think about IT
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Publish & Run Current Object from VSCode – with a single command

I’m not writing a blog about every single (new) command in my “CRS AL Language Extension”. But this Sunday, I added an interesting one. One that I should have had created for a long time – but simply didn’t think of it, until Daniel (TheDenster.com) explicitly asked for it on GitHub.

Just imagine, you’re building an app, with many pages, and you want to build a page, test it, build the next one, test it .. . You kind have to:
– Publish the app
– Run the object after the app was published

Source : Waldo’s Blog
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Multi Root Workspaces in VSCode for AL Development – Episode 2

Remember my blog post on “Multi-root workspaces in VSCode for AL Development“? If not – it might be interesting to read first, because this is in fact an “extension” (get it?) on it .. so you might say this blogpost “depends” on that one ;-).

I concluded the post with some scripts – and that’s the part I’d like to extend a bit – because I needed more functionality since latest blogpost. And I’d like to refer to these scripts again – and tell you a bit more on how they could make your life a bit easier as well .. .
Source : Waldo’s Blog
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Multi-root Workspaces in VSCode for AL Development

You might have figured – I’m a VSCode fanboy. One of many. You might remember the session I did on NAVTechDays 2017 (Rock ‘n Roll with VSCode), where I dove quite a bit into the possibilities this great tool comes with. But I didn’t talk about the concept of “Multi-root Workspaces”: an ability of VSCode for you to work on multiple “projects” at the same time, in one environment.

Source : Waldo’s Blog
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How do I : Add filters in a report in VSCode with AL?

Recently someone asked me, what’s wrong with me report, it’s not showing me the correct data?

After investigating I noticed that the report used filters, applied in several different ways and that the expected data was not showing up in the dataset, and then of course it was also not displayed in the layout.

Source : Think about IT
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AL Extension Pack for VSCode

Some time ago, after explaining my most used VSCode Extensions for AL Development for (about) the 829th time – I decided to make my life a bit easier. I already came across the concept of creating a VSCode Extension that act like packages that automatically install other extensions. An “Extension Pack”, if you will ;-).

Source : Waldo’s Blog
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