Dynamics 365 Business Central: How to extract characters from a string (indexing with [])

Today I would like to share another mini tip about Business Central, how to extract characters from a string.

For example, we want to know what the fourth letter of a customer’s name is, or want to add a space between each character. How to do it?

Source : Dynamics 365 Lab
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How to Extract BC 365 Base App using artifacts

Probably most of you already know that with the Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Wave 2 release, we have the ability to modify the Base App. But to extract Dynamics 365 Business Central Base App as .al files that would compile might be quite difficult. As you have probably noticed, picture/image functionality on Docker is becoming outdated in Business Central 365 latest releases.

Source : Simplanova
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How to Extract Dynamics 365 Business Central Base App

Probably most of you already know that with the Dynamics 365 Business Central Wave 2 release, we have the ability to modify the Base App. But to extract Dynamics 365 Business Central Base App as .al files that would compile might be quite difficult, so in this article, we will talk about how to extract the Dynamics 365 Business Central Base App using Docker, Business Central DVD, and symbols. Also, we will briefly mention how to upload a customized Base App.

Source : Simplanova
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Extracting All The M Code From A Power BI Dataset Using The DISCOVER_M_EXPRESSIONS DMV

DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) are, as the Analysis Services documentation states, “queries that return information about model objects, server operations, and server health”. They’re also available in Azure Analysis Service, Power BI and Power Pivot and are useful for a variety of reasons, for example for generating documentation.

Source : Chris Webb’s BI Blog
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Extract Numerical Data Points from an Image

Today Gartner released the 2019 magic quadrant for Business Intelligence. As expected (by me at least), Microsoft is continuing its trail blazing and now has a clear lead over Tableau in both ability to execute and completeness of vision. I thought it would be interesting to see a trend over time for the last 5 years, as this is the time period that I have been a professional Power BI Consultant. I needed some way to extract the numerical data points from the images I had collected. This article shows you how to do that. Here is the final output – a scatter chart with a play axis in Power BI of course.

Bron : Excelerator BI
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Using Html.Table() To Extract URLs From A Web Page In Power BI/Power Query M

Last year I blogged about how to use the Text.BetweenDelimiters() function to extract all the links from the href attributes in the source of a web page. The code was reasonably simple but there’s now an even easier way to solve the same problem using the new Html.Table() function.

Bron : Chris Webb’s BI Blog
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