How to Extract BC 365 Base App using artifacts

Probably most of you already know that with the Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Wave 2 release, we have the ability to modify the Base App. But to extract Dynamics 365 Business Central Base App as .al files that would compile might be quite difficult. As you have probably noticed, picture/image functionality on Docker is becoming outdated in Business Central 365 latest releases.

Source : Simplanova
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Get your BC artifact URLs without PowerShell

In June 2020, a drastic change happened to how we can work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in containers: Instead of ready made images, BC started to rely on artifacts (see Freddy’s blog post on the topic). As a result of that, you can no longer just use an image to start BC but instead need to first find out what the right BC artifact URL for your type, version, localization etc. is.

Source : Tech blog – Tobias Fenster
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Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Artifacts to get to the source code of the default apps

A question I get a lot – especially from people that come from C/AL, and only take their first steps into AL – is: How do I get to Microsoft’s source code of the BaseApp (and other)?
Well, there are multiple ways, really. You can download symbols, and unpack the symbols. You can download the DVD and get to the code on the DVD, or…

Source : Waldo’s Blog
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Creating a Dynamics 365 Business Central Docker container with artifacts on Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a great service offered by Azure that permits you to run serverless Docker containers in Azure with simplicity and speed, without having to provision or manage any underlying infrastructure.

Source : Stefano Demiliani
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Working with artifacts

As a follow up to this blog post (make sure you have read this first), this blog post will share some details about working with artifacts. How do you find them, what do they contain and what happens when you try to use them. It is primarily a list of the new functionality in NavContainerHelper for working with artifacts.

Source : Freddys blog
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