Show Me All Invoices Containing this Product

Here is the scenario. The user wants to select a product from a list. When that product is selected, they want to see a list of all invoices that contain that product AND ALSO see ALL OTHER PRODUCTS on those same invoices. The reason this is such an interesting problem is that normally when you select products from a list in Power Pivot, the selected products filter the data model hence you can only see sales for those selected products

Bron : Excelarator BI
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Items NOT Selected in a Slicer?

My idea was that I would load school photos and also the reunion photos onto the one page. The user can then click on a slicer with someone’s name (or any other information about people) and “see” those people highlighted in the photo. I started thinking that I could use the excellent Synoptic Panel from The Italians for this. The only problem I could foresee was that Synoptic Panel is designed to provide shading over an image based on what was selected. I wanted to shade/hide those people that were NOT selected. Anyhow, I love a challenge.

Bron : Excelerator BI
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