The One Huge Mistake You’re Making When Setting Up WMS for Dynamics 365 Business Central

I mentioned In my previous article that there are multiple ways of setting up warehouse management. In reality, however, there really are two ways: there’s the option of setting up your warehouse with Directed Pick and Put-away…and the wrong way.

In almost all companies where bin location management (or warehouse management using wireless scanners) is desired, setting up your warehouse with Directed Pick and Put-away will be the correct decision.

Source : Confessions of a Dynamics NAV Consultant
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Assisted Setup – Part 2: Basics

In the first article, I tried to show you why you need the assisted setup – and if you are here it means you want to create an assisted setup for your extensions (at least I hope so). That is great! If you do not know how to start this post is just for you. In the next articles, I will use this as a base for more complex examples.

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