You can use Windows PowerShell scripts to upgrade the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 provides sample scripts that you can adapt for your deployment architecture.
Category Archives: ERP general
How Do I: Create Links in Reports in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
This video demonstrates how to create links in report in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.
ERP Project 101: Challenging ERP Requirements
I am not arrogant enough to believe that ERP software vendors are the guardians of best practices. Nor do I blindly subscribe to the notion that the customer is always right. What I do know and believe is that a good implementation partner will balance customer needs and wants with the fundamental value proposition of the ERP software to ensure customers have relevant information to make informed decisions. The following blog posting will discuss some practical guidance that implementation partners can utilize to vet business requirements.
YouTube: Checklist for Deciding Between SaaS and On-premise ERP
Over the last several years, an increasing number of organizations are turning to cloud ERP systems to replace their on-premise solutions. This webinar clip includes a checklist for determining which deployment option makes the most sense for your organization.
Does Pressure Make You Work More Efficiently?
As Microsoft plans to deploy their “Find a Partner Campaign” in Microsoft Pinpoint in the coming months, I have been diligently working to update our company Pinpoint profile. After I had worked on this project for many days and hours, the most tragic thing happened…I LOST my document (and no, it was not backed up on my external hard drive like it should have been).
Global ERP Implementations and Master Data
Master data is an essential building block for a successful ERP data conversion. This is especially the case when a company has an international footprint.
Data conversion is not usually a priority at the beginning of an ERP implementation. Instead, the focus is often on planning and design, while data conversion is a muddled topic that people tend to avoid.
Assessing ERP System Usability
An ERP project will succeed or fail based on a number of criteria, not the least of which is the system’s usability. Today’s end-users are accustomed to intuitive, easy to-use interfaces akin to what they experience when using technology in their daily lives. Whether it is an app on their tablet to buy concert tickets or a touch screen on their PC , today’s end-users live in a world where the user interface is clean, simple and intuitive.